Node Operators in Byzantine ecosystem
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Node Operators are an essential part of the Byzantine ecosystem. They run both Staking and Restaking nodes to allow Stakers to benefit from the best possible yields.
Node Operators have several roles :
Run Ethereum validators as part of a Native Restaking vault.
Act as Validator Managers for Partner Validated Vaults.
Run restaking operators for the different restaking protocols.
Create custom restaking operators to match specific staker demands
To get the most out of staking/restaking synergies, you can register as an operator with Byzantine team to become a verified partner in the Byzantine ecosystem!
Note that :
In Solo Staker Vaults, there is no third-party Validator Manager role, and the vault creator will register the validators.
In Distributed Validator Vaults, Byzantine will register the Validators from a set of DVs run by the Partners.