Architecture Overview
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Byzantine Architecture involves several components/entities (from left to right) :
The Restaker, seeking to restake his assets
Byzantine interface, allowing Vault creation and interaction
Partner's interface, mainly allowing interaction with selected Vaults
The Byzantine Vault, the central piece of the architecture. Created by a Vault Creator, on top of multiple restaking protocols, it involves a strategy of Native or Non-Native restaking.
The Curator (optional, can be the Vault creator themselves), in charge of rebalancing the Strategy.
The Node Operators, who can operate both Staking (Validators), and/or Restaking (Operators). The way Validators are associated with a Vault depends on the type of vault (see the next section).
The restaking protocols, which allow the permissionless creation and securing of decentralized services (EigenLayer, Symbiotic, Babylon, Karak, Jito, ...).