Run the DKG

Almost there!!

Congratulations! You are now ready to synchronize your Charon client with the other operators. Follow these steps to run the Distributed Key Generation (DKG) and prepare your node for long-term validation.

  1. Access the Byzantine Dashboard

    • Go to your Byzantine operator dashboard.

    • Look for the "Action required" section indicating the need to run the DKG.

    • Click on the "Run the DKG" button.

  2. Initiate the DKG

    • A pop-up will guide you through the process. Make sure all operators are running the DKG simultaneously.

    • From your command line, in the same folder as before, run this command:

      docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/opt/charon" obolnetwork/charon:v0.19.2 dkg --definition-file="" --publish

      Replace "0xCLUSTER_CONFIG_HASH" with your specific configuration hash which you can find in the cluster URL, but it should already be in the command.

    • Important:

      • Backup your .charon folder immediately. Losing this folder means you won't be able to participate in the DKG ceremony or start the DVT cluster successfully.

      • Do not close the terminal until all members have run the DKG, and the process is completed.

    Run the DKG
  3. Monitor Progress

    • In your terminal, you will see logs indicating the DKG process. Key messages include:

      • Peer summary: Displays connected peers.

      • Resolved new relay: Indicates the discovery of new relays.

      • Waiting to connect to all peers...: Indicates the system is waiting for all peers to connect.

  4. Verify Operator Synchronization

    • Watch the terminal as operators connect. The number of connected operators should increase from 1 to 3.

    • You don't need to do anything at this stage. The status will change as other operators join.

    • If you want to accelerate the process, you can send messages to other operators in your private Discord channel to prompt them to join.

  5. Completion

    • Once the DKG is complete, your cluster is ready for validation.

    • Confirm that all operators have successfully completed the DKG.

Next Steps

Congratulations on successfully running the DKG! Your Charon client is now synchronized with the other operators, and your cluster is prepared for long-term validation.

For detailed documentation and further guidance, please refer to the Obol Network documentation.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

Last updated